If you have comments, questions, suggestions, gripes, or bug reports, I would love to hear them!
Email me: GeoPeace@aol.com
When using Escape Velocity plug-ins, there is always a good chance that any two will use the same resource IDs. Therefore I recommend that you take out other plug-ins before using this one.
The Epic Missions is an Escape Velocity plug-in featuring a mission series that will totally blow your mind. I have spent hours creating these 12 missions (plus 2 rewards missions!!), and hours retesting them until I made sure that they would be challenging to everyone. These missions are hard (you'll receive help, don't worry). Trust me. It may start out sorta' slow, but things will really heat up later on. There is also a plot twist later on that will catch you by surprise... That's enough; I don't want to spoil the story or the missions. Don't read "Bonuses" below; it's a minor spoiler.
Version 1.2.2 fixes a pesky little bug where you were not able to complete a mission using EV 1.0.2.
Version 1.2 is now compatible with the Astex 1.5 plug-in and the Legion 1.5 plug-in. These are the only plug-ins that I've checked for compatibility (they don't use the same resource IDs). The reason I chose those 2 is because they have a fair amount of missions. And they have potential, too. I also made a few minor changes in Epic Missions, including a brand new sound for a certain something you'll receive somewhere in the Epic Missions. Also, I made this plug-in more balanced. Fixed some bugs?
Escape Velocity 1.0.1
A "Good Egg" or better legal status at any Rebel or Independent planet with a
spaceport bar.
A "Fair" Combat rating or better (trust me, you'll wish you were "Ultimate")
I defeated the Epic Missions with a max-upgraded Kestrel (no cheats). I do not recommend clunky old Cruisers; you'll see why. If you get extremely stuck, read "HINTS- Don't read". That WILL spoil it, though.
Along the way in this series ("Epic Sword"), you will recieve a very powerful, yet balanced weapon. It will really help you during the final mission.
Somewhere along the line, you will see a potent alliance, never before attempted
The reward at the very end ("Epic Gift") has never (so far as I know) been given as a mission reward. You'll love it!
A secret in "Epic Gift".
Jeremy Condit, for your mission editor, Schmelta-V.
Ambrosia Software and Matt Burch, for Escape Velocity, the game of the century!
(actually, the 23rd century)
Ben Chess for EV-Edit.
Asa Swain, for telling me what was wrong with my missions.
GeoMar and PDS Comp, for diligently telling me about the mission completion bug.
Apple, for ResEdit, and for challenging Bill Gates' confederation. (go Apple Rebels ;-)
Mes parents, pour tous les choses.
The Revolution,
This is a plug-in that will blow the Epic Missions away. I hesitate to reveal too much, because the experience relies on shock, as well as the challenge. There will be new, balanced "stuff" (don't wanna reveal too much, now ;), and gorgeous graphics done by Michael Lamb and Jeff Tober. Part I (takes up the majority of the mission slots available to EV expansions) is almost done, though we have to wait for EV 1.0.3, which will fix the evolving galaxy feature debuting (and bugging ;) in version 1.0.2.
When it becomes available, you'll find it at: <http://members.aol.com/GeoPeace/EV.html>
It'll probably also be at <ftp://ftp.grayphics.com/pub/ev/>, at America Online, and at Jay Tingley's Unofficial EV Web Page. There are tons of great plugins at grayphics and Jay's site, check them out.
Also, I'm currently part of a sizable team working on a Star Trek scenario for EV.
You might want to check out the EVST (Escape Velocity Star Trek) web site for further details: http://www.rain.org/~mikep/evst/ .
Escape Velocity is a trademark of Ambrosia. Epic Missions is mine. Therefore, Ambrosia had nothing to do with this product. I am not responsible for any damage incurred by use of any products included with this README. This product may be distributed freely, so long as this README and the file HINTS-DON'T read are included. There is no warranty or any other guarantee that this product is safe. I am not responsible for any medical problems or heart failures which arise during the course of "Epic Firestorm". What you see is what you get.